Ifa teaches that every person chooses a destiny before returning to earth in the cycle of reincarnation ( atunwa). Ogbe as an expression of spiritual growth represents perfect alignment with destiny. In practical terms it is movement without opposition or an open road. It is the expansion of light from source outward. Ogbe, the Supporter- is the manifestation of pure light. The order of seniority and metaphysical principles for the single legs of Odu Ifa are as follows:ġ.
256 odu ifa pdf how to#
How to read, interpret and apply these wisdom teachings. Just as the Tanakh, Christian Bible and Koran are considered to be sacred texts, so too, is the Holy Odu of West Africa. Parable, proverbs and prescriptions. THE HOLY ODU: 256 PARABLES, PROVERBS AND PRESCRIPTIONS These are two of the most important resources for Ifa divination. Opon Ifa (divination tray) and ikin (sacred palm nuts).

Chapter 6: Your Ori (Mind) Is Divine Toggle Dropdown.Chapter 5: Our Ancestors Are With Us Now Toggle Dropdown.Chapter 4: Olodumare Is A Gracious Creator Toggle Dropdown.Chapter 3: All Of Creation Is Inside The Calabash Toggle Dropdown.Chapter 2: What Did Our Ancestor's Believe? Toggle Dropdown.Chapter 1: Orientation and Overview Toggle Dropdown.